A first point of contact to enable and develop synergy among a diverse and growing network of citywide cancer researchers
Access to CTCR networking functions
A repository/inventory of cancer research expertise and personnel in London, Ontario
Eligibility to apply for annual LRCP Catalyst Grant
Support for city-wide educational initiatives, such as rounds and workshops
Advocacy and support in with LHSC Foundation and Schulich Western Foundation.
Enhancing the profile of investigators work through CTCR website, social media and e-blasts
Liaise with Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, Lawson Health Research Institute, LHSC, Robarts Research Institute, Windsor Cancer Research Group, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and more!
Communication and recruitment efforts facilitated by CTCR
Membership into the CTCR requires a researcher or clinician to practice in the city of London, Ontario. For information on how to become a member, please contact: Centre for Translational Cancer Research Project Coordinator, Kimberly Scott (kimberly.scott@lhsc.on.ca).